Self Introduce Hello this is Mai

ブログ運営 Blog(WordPress)
  1. Hello This is Mai.
  2. Why I start to write my Web log
  3. ontents of this blog(Website)
    1. Love and Partnership
    2. Business
  4. My site URL meaning
  5. Grab the brass ring
  6. About me
    1. Beauty Pageant Japan Queen of Miss Scuba International 2023✨👑 in Malaysia 🇲🇾
    2. I am smart and good at English
    3.  I worked at US IT company as a sales
    4. I love traveling and Diving🐠🏝
      1. Ogasawara Tokyo Japan
      2. Ako Hyogo Japan
      3. Tottori Japan
      4. Tanegashima Kagoshima Japan
      5. Okinawa Japan
      6. Ishigaki Island Okinawa Japan
      7. Amami Oshima Kagoshima Japan
      8. Awaji island Hyogo Japan
      9. Tokyo Japan
      10. Wakayama Japan
    5.  Work as a freelance
    6. Beauty Professional
      1. Fashion
        1. Mrs. Kansai collection
        2. 👠 Fashion show
      2. Korean Beauty
      3. Training
      4. Banquet Companion 
    7. I am good at partnership
  7. biography
  8. Academic background
    1. Love to go abroad
      1. New Zealand
      2. Korea University Seoul 1month
      3. NPO Volunteer in Cambodia 10Days
      4. Went Guam with Unviersity friends
  9. Carrier
    1. Emergency Hospital
    2. ーEducation
    3. TOEIC930 Philippine Baguio
    4. CRO-ITsite service specialist
    5. P&G Marketing
    6. Cisco(WebEx)Sales
      1. ①ーsalary increase
      2. ②ーsalary increase
      3. ③ーPosition Change
      4. ーRetirement Package
  10. ◇I determined to rum my own business
      1. learned book-keeping
      2. hosting of Airbnb
      3. ーopened my web site
      4. Opening of business
      5. writer of web media
  11. ◇What I have learned
    1. Internet Business 2017
    2. Mental-ism
    3. 【AmazonFBA】Amazon Merchandise sales
    4. Spiritual
    5. 2020 Partnership
    6. Psychology
      1. 2021
    7. Go to Dubai for edit Youtube
    8. Freerance community
    9. Writing 
    10. The Magic
    11. Web Marketing and Web design
    12. Subconscious mind salon
    13. 2023 Sep Mind Lesson
  12. My top6 Core Value
      1. ①Freedom
      2. ②Love
      3. ③International
      4. ④Health
      5. ⑤Having Fun
      6. ⑥Grace
  13. My Service
      1. Mai
      2. 最新記事 by Mai (全て見る)
    1. あわせて読みたい記事:

Hello This is Mai.


Thank you for coming to my website.
I am Mai, I born in 1989.
I live in Kobe,Japan.

Why I start to write my Web log

This is my LIFE- whole out put blog.
I was a good writer from childfood. I started to write Weblog since I was 14. based on many weblog services in Japan. Now I finally able to start my own homepage.

I want to keep my thoughts and my feelings that I think it is very valueable because it is very special that I can only feel.

ontents of this blog(Website)

I don’t define any category to what I write in this site.
But I have strongly interested in Love and partnership and Money.

Love and Partnership


I want to help any people that wants to have a best partnership in your life.
There are many way of Love around these days and I do not want to see the possibility limited .I always want to proceed and be best.I want to make good partnership in my life.
I am still also straggle but the whole my process and experience would be help to another people. I want to talk about  the importance of Love-yourself and self acceptance that would be the basis of the good partnership.


ドバイにて 年収12億円の小田桐あさぎさんと

I tend to have often mistake , and I was hard to be a normal employee.
Also I often late for time. so I gave up to be a normal. Instead, I want to be rich with  my own fit way.I want to be a millionaire, as a nomad worker.

My site URL meaning


  1.  money [countable] a very large amount of moneya fortune.
  2. chance [uncountable] chance or luck, and the effect that it has on your life I had the good fortune to work with a brilliant head of department.
  3. what happens to you

Did you notice my website URL includes the word , “Fortune” .
Fortune has many meanings , 1 of the meaning is good luck, I do put importance with good luck, and actually My life was filled with good luck.

Grab the brass ring

I have a favorite word, “Grab the brass ring” I like to get a great chance always I encounter, Therefore, I love this phrase.

I believe that my life will blessed with great fortune, and I  hope you  be also grab the brass ring and good fortune because you are reading my blog .

About me

Let me introduce my self.

Beauty Pageant Japan Queen of Miss Scuba International 2023✨👑 in Malaysia 🇲🇾


I am smart and good at English

 I worked at US IT company as a sales

I love English and love international environment, so I mainly worked at foreign company, not domestic.

I love traveling and Diving🐠🏝

I like traveling all over the world, also I love Diving.
I like Japan Okinawa, especially Ishigaki Island.


Ogasawara Tokyo Japan


My Brother  and me

ダイビング ウエットスーツで 小笠原 家族で2回行きました

Ako Hyogo Japan

Tanegashima Kagoshima Japan

Okinawa Japan

I got PADI open water diver lisence

Ishigaki Island Okinawa Japan

ーIshigaki Okinawa Japan

Trip Diary of Ishigaki 2023

Amami Oshima Kagoshima Japan

Awaji island Hyogo Japan

Tokyo Japan

Wakayama Japan



 Work as a freelance

I have tried many jobs,Airbnb host, or writer, or YouTube editor, as a freelance.
Now I am doing coaching online service.

Beauty Professional


Mrs. Kansai collection

👠 Fashion show

Dress:Self Portlait

Korean Beauty

I am interested in beauty of Korean style.I often go Korea for my skin care in clinic.

Also for my health, I trying to do training.
I am interested in beauty of Korean style.I often go Korea for my skin care in clinic.


Banquet Companion 


I am good at partnership

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In the past I had some hart-broken experience but now I have a partner and have good partnership.✨

So far in my life, I have achieved many things that I past dreamed✨

Now I am very happy ,
I have a nice boyfriend, Free time , Fun everyday.but in the past I was in the hard situation.
Do you want to know how I did?


I was born in Kobe ,Japan. I have 1 younger brother.

I like to play in the park when I was child.I tried many things, English, Piano, Ballet,Swimming,etc.

When I was 12, I was able to get in famous private school in Osaka,that has a man mos university .

Academic background

Kansai Univ Law major


関大一高の同窓会 成人式のとき @リーガロイヤルホテル大阪

My major was law in University.I had happy time 10 years in same school ,
as a student .
I could find a best friend that I can be with whole life.

Love to go abroad

New Zealand


When I was 16, I participated my high school summer program and went to New Zealand for 1month .It was great experience to stay in farmer’s house and riding horse everyday.

Korea University Seoul 1month

When I was 4th degree of University student, I went Korea University for 1month to study Korean. While I stay, I became big fan of Super Junior, Kim Hee Chul.
After that I liked Korea so much , so I have been there for more than 15 times .


This is a picture of my Korean University study program.We visit DMZ.

NPO Volunteer in Cambodia 10Days

I have interested in Volunteering so I visited Cambodia .

カンボジアのボランティア活動 孤児院を訪問した


Went Guam with Unviersity friends

I also belonged to Kansai University’s official Extracurricular activities of investigating abroad.In March2012,I graduated Kansai Univ , Law major.


Emergency Hospital


My 1st Carrier was Emergency Hospital  in Osaka.



Next, I moved to education . I was a cram school manager.

TOEIC930 Philippine Baguio

2015 03-05


バギオのトークアカデミー ベランダからの景色

My English name is Mary















After that I decided to study English and went to Philippine for 3 months,
there I could get TOEIC 930 score.

CRO-ITsite service specialist

2015年 08月-2016.01月

Worked at American CRO located in Kobe.

P&G Marketing

In fact,around 2016 winter,I have make a wish  that I want to work at P &G.
and after few years later, I noticed that my wish came true!




2018 28-29歳

①ーsalary increase

1st 1300 yent to 1600 yen

②ーsalary increase

next 1600 yen to 1800 yen per hour

③ーPosition Change

1800 yen to 4000 yen!


ーRetirement Package



from 2017-2021Summer, I have worked at IT company as a sales.
It was a most valuable experience and I liked this company.
In the end the US decided to close Japan branch, I have remained the office at the last moment, and managed my responsibly.I am proud of it.

◇I determined to rum my own business

From the very beggining , I wantted to have my own business so at first I learned book keeping because I thought it will be help.
This is the 2nd chapter of my own business way.

learned book-keeping



東京リーガルマインド 三宮校

hosting of Airbnb





Since 2016,I started hosting of Airbnb and closed it.

ーopened my web site

I opend my Web site. This is the one.

Opening of business



I went to the tax office to begin my business offically.

writer of web media


I started to write some beauty articles as a influencer.

◇What I have learned

ーEnvironment is important

I have made a lot of personal investments to start my own business.
More than 1500$.

Internet Business 2017

I could not make my own contents.



I learned mental-ism of business and love .

【AmazonFBA】Amazon Merchandise sales

It was hard for me to sell in amazon FBA.I had many Hair brushes remaining:<


I took course of Spritual leader.

2020 Partnership


learned partnership.




I want to be rich !!

 I decided to learn mind of rich people.

Go to Dubai for edit Youtube

ドバイエキスポ 2022年春


I had a chance to do job in Dubai.

Freerance community



I belonged to business community.


2022 May

I learned writing

The Magic


I learned magic to be a witch.

Web Marketing and Web design



I want to work from home🏠

I learned Web Marketing and Web design.

Subconscious mind salon

2022 Spring and 2023 Summer✨

I learned subconscious .

2023 Sep Mind Lesson



I want to do business in community

魅力覚醒講座19期に参加しました OGとして2回目!

My top6 Core Value

 -Value and my mission

After I quit my job,I had a enoght time to think about my life.
And I found some core value that I want to put importance on it.


I watch out carefully every time how I feel. I want being comfortable .

I am honest. and picky for human .Have strong likes and dislikes

I have IT back ground . I want free work style.

I often late. Sometimes I do not hear other people talking because I imagine other thing.

I like spending money on clothes and traveling and learning.

People think I am soft and kind , but actually I am competitive.

I have ambition to improve

I need enoght time .I do not like the limited situation like office worker.


I am lovely so everyone like me 💘


Good at English(TOEIC930)💗( *´艸`)

I am light footwork. I can go anywhere .I do not care how far is it.


I am sensitive person so I take very well for my mind
I think the Health is most important for everybody.

⑤Having Fun

I am cheerful person.
The other people say I am calm .
Anyway , both it is true. I love to entertain people.


I am beautiful, I know it. My mind is also beautiful, I know it! Everyone say that.

My Service

From these many coach and consultants, I realized that I have changed a lot.
It is getting better .

Thank you for reading this long article.
I wrote this long story  to be friend  with you ! If you are interested in me, please add me friend list in LINE offical account, and be friend withe me!!

If you are interested in my coaching service, please add me friend on LINE from below QR code.

Please add me on your friend list!!💗

💎Official LINE

”@”is needed

Thank you for reading ❤

Article Japanese ver:【自己紹介】私の生い立ちやブログを書く理由 Self Introduce

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1989年、兵庫県神戸市東灘区生まれ。 関西大学法学部法学政治学科卒業。外資CRO、外資大手消費財メーカーのマーケティング部勤務を経て、 外資系IT(米国最大手の通信会社)にて5年間勤務。 TV電話会議システムの日本支社営業統括を担当。 多くのエンタープライズ企業にSaaSシステムを導入。年商13億円の日本法人のカントリーマネージャー。 現在はすべての人が自分らしく生きれる社会をめざして、独立開業。 オンラインにて心理カウンセラーの仕事をしている。Webマーケティング・Webデザインにも精通。

